If a site is listed it is paying.
If a site disappears from the list it has stopped paying or there are signs that it might.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Earn Through eBay With Nothing At All

Perhaps anyone who is using internet knows what eBay is. For those who don’t eBay is a multi-billion dollars worth auction site that has managed to have thousands of customers and suppliers happily hooked on.

You'll find everything you can possibly imagine on sale at eBay. From Bikinis to baroque paintings from Britney's shredded locks to fancy court wigs. You name it and you'll get it.

But don't just stop at buying things off its racks, eBay offers you the opportunity to not just buy goods for yourself and your loved ones, but also make a few decent bucks from the site yourself.

How? You ask.

Millions of people sell items on eBay to earn extra money. Some even make a fine living doing nothing else.

There are also a lot who know about eBay and its ability to turn unwanted items in to extra cash, but who do not have the capability or desire to use the eBay themselves. Perhaps they don’t own a computer, or think the process of selling on eBay is too complicated.

How can I earn money with eBay if I have nothing to sell? Again you may ask.

Well, simple really, start off by creating your own account. Once that is taken care of, and then become an eBay “middle person”. Offer to do all the work of selling other people’s items on a commission basis.

Think of all the people right in your own neighborhood who probably has items they no longer want cluttering up their closets and garages. It can be anything, even stuff that is pretty useless to them or their families. People line up at eBay and they all want all different sorts of things. So what they might think is useless may be of great value to someone else. Perhaps they don’t have enough items to hold a garage sale, or just don’t want to go through the hassle.

So rummage through their closets and garages and get your hands on stuff you think might look good up there. You could offer to sell those items for them on eBay for a percentage of the sale price. They provide the inventory, you do the selling on eBay, and you both split the profits!

But before anything else, make sure you weigh your stuff right before putting it up for sale. Also try to be punctual about shipping your goods to the buyers. Reputation is everything at eBay and the more you satisfy your customers, the greater the reputation you will be earning. And that isn't just a matter of speaking. At eBay, a customer's satisfaction is everything so they get to come back and give their feedback about doing business with you. For every good feedback you get, you add one point to your rating. Needless to say, the higher you’re rating the greater your credentials. So make sure to take every transaction really seriously.

Over and above everything, however, eBay expects and respects honesty and reliability that is what earns good customers and makes you that neat stack of money. Nothing can be a substitute for good business ethics and at eBay, nothing helps you go laughing to the bank besides that.

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